July News 2024

Welcome to our July Newsletter
I love this time of year as the weather gets cooler - it's so much easier to get moving particularly outdoors in the glorious winter sunshine!
There is as always a lot going on at the clinics. Our new therapists and admin team are settling in and becoming more familiar with Revive and our wonderful Clients. Kelcie has completed her Pilates training and is ready to take 1:1 sessions and groups. With her background of 9 years in personal training Kelcie is also a great therapist to help blend Pilates and weight training into your schedule - reach out for a one on one with Kelcie to discuss how she can add higher resistance loads to your program.
latest in the research and protocols for how to deliver this treatment option. Along with working with Dr Richardson we are also
getting ready to be able to deliver the CROSS BRACE PROTOCOL for conservative ACL management as well. Read
more about these new and emerging treatments below in our CLINIC CORNER.
Our in-house inservices have continued and recently, and we have covered topics such as Shoulder assessment and treatment using a system
from Dr Jeremy Lewis an English Specialist Physiotherapist who has developed this comprehensive approach to shoulder treatment. The system
ensures that all components and potential drivers of shoulder symptoms are addressed to ensure an end result of a strong, resilient shoulder
that will not be at risk of re-injury.
Have a wonderful July - Jules x

Recent research is showing that it is possible for a "torn" ACL ligament to heal without the need for surgery. There are a few different approaches to this way of managing an ACL tear, and we are as a team exploring all options and protocols to be able to deliver the best choice for individuals based on:
- the type of tear (how much if any ligament is still intact and where the tear has occurred along the length and insertion of the ligament ) and whether there are any other structures damaged (eg meniscus damage)
- age and fitness (being able to cope with being in a brace for several weeks and either on crutches of using a kneeling walker
- goals for return to sport or activities (elite athlete vs sedentary office worker eg)
- risk factors such as being prone to clotting
- psychological preparedness to bracing for long periods of time
It is important if someone is going to be managed conservatively that imaging is done early and bracing needs to be applied within 5 -21 days for some protocols.
It is imperative that one of our physios assesses the knee as soon after injury as possible to give advice and guidance about the type of Imaging necessary, whether medication is needed ( to prevent DVT/clotting) and to get ready for bracing within the appropriate time limit.
The first step if you or someone you know has injured their ACL is to make an appointment with one of our physios, and we will talk through options and help make decisions based on the evidence and experience of our partners in managing these injuries. We will be working closely with GP's, Sports Physicians and an orthopedic Surgeon to ensure patients are managed with best care and ideal outcomes. We will have a stock of braces on hand as well, so we can get people braces immediately if that protocol is the best option.
Read more about the non-surgical management of ACL tears
Please note that the savings are now even greater for these packs due to our July 1 price increase. Our casual group price is now
$60 making these packs even better value.
The savings now for each pack are as follows :
30 pack : save $300
40 pack : save $480
pack : save $700
pack : save $960

And although we missed promoting this in June it's important enough to shout out about it this month! As our kids are no longer screened at school for scoliosis we are finding our young ones (mostly girls ) are falling throng the cracks and not being diagnosed early - early diagnosis equates to better outcomes and more treatment options. We always offer a 15-min gap free consult for kids - it's a quick and simple process and if we detect anything of concern we will refer on for an EOS scan of the spine to rule out scoliosis. An EOS scan is bulk billed under medicare the and amount of radiation is similar to a one way long haul flight.
Tammy has taken delivery of her Laser unit and is up and running treating at West End. Musculoskeletal injuries are described by patients as highly painful, especially in their acute phase. Unfortunately opioid medication or sedatives are still too often prescribed despite the risk of adverse events. To avoid any addictive form of pain management, EMS has developed the DolorClast® High Power Laser to offer a non-invasive, effective yet safe solution to patients suffering from acute phase or those having a low-tolerance threshold of pain and is used successfully for the treatment of:
- Rotator cuff tendinopathy
- Shoulder arthritis
- Subacromial or subdeltoid bursitis
- Myofascial pain syndrome
- Muscle injuries or hypertonicity
- Acute back pain
- Chronic back pain
- Degenerative disc disease
- Joint sprains
- Degenerative joint disorders
- Post trauma swelling/oedema
- Golfer's and tennis elbow
- Carpal Tunnel syndrome
- and more .....

How does laser help ?
DolorClast® High Power laser's 905 nm wavelength triggers two main types of effects in the targeted area:
- Analgesic effect: Kicking in 5 min after the end of laser treatment and lasting up to 72h.
Anti-inflammatory effect: Decreasing acute inflammation and leading to a quick absorption of the oedema and a faster healing process of the
damaged tissue.

Here's a cute picture of one of our patient's dog (Aari) having her dry needling and Laser therapy
- FYI you need to wear goggles during laser treatment to protect your eyes !
We continue to run our popular Beat-it programs at Ashgrove in partnership with Diabetes Queensland and off the back of this our VIP Beat It sessions that bring the clinic to life with the great vibes (and questionable music) from our wonderful Diabetes clients. We see such great changes to the health and fitness of this population and we are very proud of being associated with Diabetes Qld and being able to provide this impactful service to our community!

Dry July
Most of our team are going sober this July! We are raising funds for Pinc & Steel Organisation who fund Cancer rehabilitation
for those who are affected by the physical side effects of cancer, and it's treatment. If you are interested in participating in Dry
July, please join our team, so we can raise funds together towards a good cause! Alternatively you can donate to our Dry July page or
purchase a raffle ticket in clinic in the month of July if you would like to support :) If you have any questions about Dry July or
Cancer rehab, reach out to Claudia, our Oncology Physiotherapist.'