Revive's "Knee Regeneration" Program
A structured evidence based program aimed at reducing knee pain and loss of function from Osteoarthritis of the knee.
“Our Knee Regen Program aims to slow this whole process down and delay and maybe even negate the need for surgery"
The program we recommend can be purchased as a prepaid package (with a savings of 10%, excluding the cost of the brace) or you can PAYG for the services as you attend.

1. Initial assessment with a Physiotherapist. We will assess your range, strength, balance and other functional movements.
2. Fitting and dispensing of an UNLOADING KNEE brace. The brace is specifically designed to "unload" the compartment of the
knee that is the most affected by OA.
3. Weekly hands-on treatment from a Physiotherapist to improve tissue extensibility , patella mobility , treat and swelling and soft tissue inflammation. We may use tape, dry needling and other modalities alongside commencing a specific strengthening program for the hip and knee.
4. Weekly Shockwave Therapy to assist with tissue healing and pain management - this can be carried out at the same clinic visit as your physio treatments.
5 .Additional support via free educational emails, videos and workshops
6. We will also recommend ongoing twice weekly group exercise sessions with the choice of Pilates, Gym based group sessions and /or "KNEE" classes. You have the flexibility to choose your preference for exercise once the physiotherapy treatment sessions are finished. These sessions can be purchased as an add on to the "Core knee program"
What is Knee Osteoarthritis?
As one of the largest joints in the body, the knee joint is susceptible to wear and tear with the natural ageing process. Knee osteoarthritis is common and can be debilitating.
With the cartilage and shock absorbers (menisci) in the knee degenerating over time, there is no longer smooth gliding of the knee joint with movement, and the shock absorption is reduced.
This results in pain and stiffness with a decrease in function and ultimately in bone remodelling and deformity.
Knee arthritis is a progressive condition which worsens over time. In the early phases, you may only experience discomfort from time to time. However, as the condition progresses you will likely feel stiffness in the knee/s especially when getting out of bed in the mornings or after sitting for a period of time.

Symptoms of Knee Osteaoarthritis
The symptoms of arthritis include pain, stiffness, swelling and reduced mobility.
With the right treatment approach at the right time, knee arthritis can be managed to slow progression and allow you to continue an active
Conservative (non-surgical) Approach to Knee OA
Our knee recovery program combines the ultimate in non-surgical expertise and researched technologies in optimising natural recovery from symptomatic knee osteoarthritis.
If you have been told you have knee OA or that you need joint replacement surgery for your knee but you or your doctors want to delay the procedure of you want to slow down the progression and worsening of your knee OA - this program is for you.
The use of an UNLOADING KNEE brace can have a significant effect on pain and the brace unloads the compartment of the knee where your OA is to help prevent further degeneration of the joint surfaces. We follow up with Exercise therapy to strengthen supportive muscles of the whole limb and Shockwave therapy to augment tissue healing and also help with pain.
We carry this program out at our clinics located in Ashgrove and West End. Our therapists will assess your knee and guide you through the program - "we will meet you where you are".

Stages of Knee Osteoarthritis
With mild arthritis, people start to experience joint pain and the knees may start to feel stiff when getting up in the mornings and after
sitting for prolonged periods.
Once the knee arthritis progresses from mild to moderate, there may be obvious inflammation with swelling and frequent pain, especially with activity such as walking, running, squatting or kneeling. You may also experience some “clicking” or “snapping” sounds when walking. Bone spurs start to develop and the shape of the knee joint starts to remodel. Function and alignment are more affected at this stage. You may notice obvious changes in your leg alignment with either a “bow-legged” varus or “knock- knee” valgus appearance. These alignment changes result in even further loading of the already compromised joint space and result in further inflammation and cartilage damage.
If left unaddressed, the arthritis progresses to severe, where there is marked cartilage damage and alignment changes. With significant joint remodelling and cartilage loss, the pain can be quite significant and even daily activities such as walk-in and climbing stairs can be challenging. At this stage you will likely be recommended to have a knee replacement.
Although knee arthritis is progressive if left untreated, there are steps you can take to ease your symptoms and slow the progression.

More information about :
corrective knee brace keeps the joint space from being overloaded when standing and walking to reduce pressure on the degenerated
cartilage. Providing pain relief, a reduction in inflammation and promotes a more healing environment.
This sophisticated and sturdy brace is valued at $1100 and constitutes about half the cost of the CORE program. The pain relief that people generally feel with the brace however is the key to getting people moving and able to carry out their rehab exercises and also assist with weight loss as general movement and mobility improves.
Our therapists are extremely experienced in fitting and dispensing the braces and you will be in good hands ensuring a good fit and best possible result from the brace.
Shockwave Therapy
What is Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) ?
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) uses acoustic pulses to treat certain musculoskeletal disorders. It is a well-studied and commonly used treatment modality for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions.
How does Shockwave help reduce pain and promote healing ?
Compressed air accelerates a projectile which strikes a fixed applicator, which is placed over the painful area. With the use of gel as a
coupling agent, this kinetic energy is converted into a shock wave delivered to the target tissue through the skin.
It is clinically proven that these pressure waves, when applied to injured tissues, stimulate the following metabolic reactions:
- Reduction of pain felt by nerve fibres
- Increase of blood circulation in surrounding soft tissues
- Beginning of healing process triggered by stem cell activation
This helps in speeding up the recovery process and in better clinical outcomes when combined with a specifically designed rehabilitation
If you would like more information or to book in for your initial consultation
Call us :
Ashgrove - 3366 0500
West End - 3064 3207
Or to book online :